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The Oppression Games

The Oppression Games is an hour long performance full of strawberries, bloody faces and three amigos travelling the world... well kind of. The performance contains mess, personal attacks, dark humour, and storytelling.

An examination of documented cases of LGBTQ+ hate crimes that are retold in a violent game of threats and one-up-manship. Using the company members personal sexual politics this project creates a conversation with the audience, expecting them to react to violent rhetoric, and realise the violence in every-day language.

This show is for the women, the men, and the gender fluid.

This show is for the heteros, the homos, the bi's, the pans, and the trans.
For the butterflies forced to paint themselves moths. 
For those who've lost all faith in their Gods.

This is for the hands you're unable to hold, 
The voices that are no longer bold.
For the bodies that fold beneath the pain of the stories to be told.

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